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Selectmen Minutes 06/16/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 16, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Allen & Cindy Mayville, Tom Houle, Bette Bogdan, Barbara Frangione, Lucille Noel

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Subject: Department Heads
Present: Patrick Clarke; Police Chief, John Dever; Building Inspector, Gilbert Vien; Fire Chief, and Jim Plunkett; Road Agent

PD - Chief Clarke reported the sobriety check point went very well.  
Renovations are on track and he can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.

BI - Mr. Dever reported that he has issued a new sign permit to Bobcat.  The existing three signs will be removed.  

The established Base Flood Elevation for the Scheys property is 344 feet.

HWY- Mr. Plunkett reported that the excavator has blown a seal in the planetary drive; the parts will be coming from South Korea.

The paving project at the Community Building is set to go once the town receives the permit form NH DOT District 5.

Whatever information to date on the proposed road projects has been forwarded to the Capital Improvements Program Committee.

Ditching continues on Pleasant Street.

Paperwork is pending from CLD Engineering regarding the Perry Brook, Swiggey Brook, Hilliard Road project.

The bid packages for the Depot Street Bridge repair has gone out.

As yet, no response from resident Davis has been received regarding correction of the drainage problem on Horse Corner Road.

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BOS minutes
June 16, 2009

Chairman MacCleery discussed the Board's view that they prefer the coding of labor for the full-time employee be assigned to the administrative line rather than the project the individual is working on, explaining that the town is following the state MS-6 format.  Jim explained his thought process was to code the aggregate cost of the project to the project however he will code the time as the Board prefers.

It was clarified that the invoice from Luke Stevens was coded and processed as a contractor and not an employee.  Current insurance is on file.

Jim stated that he is looking into purchasing a smaller bucket for the excavator.  

FD - Chief Vien reported that Bob Gagne should be installing the rooftop furnace unit on Wednesday.

Library - Trustee Lucille Noel reported that the energy audit was performed by Prism Consulting last Friday on the library, grange and community buildings.  The town is the last project considered in this years round of funding.  If accepted, the town could receive up to 50 % of the cost to replace the existing fixtures with more energy efficient lighting and realize a savings of almost that much in reduced electricity costs.

Chief Clarke made a statement of ìbig shoes to fillî referring to the departure of Administrator Stevens and offered to sit on a hiring committee for her replacement.  

Bette Bogdan submitted a petition to the Board on behalf of Barbara Frangione and Lucille Noel requesting the Selectmen form a search committee for the new administrator.  The petition recommended two or four citizens at large to join the Selectmen in the hiring process.  

Selectman DeBold stated he was okay with the idea and preferred two members of the public.

Chairman MacCleery stated the decision comes down to us, if the committee is formed it would be advisory only, ultimately the vote rests with the Board.

Selectman Jordan stated he was okay with the idea and four members of the public.  No decision was made this evening.  The Board will discuss again next week.

Selectman DeBold announced he will be on vacation the week of June 28th.

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BOS minutes
June 16, 2009

Subject: Planning Board vacancy
Present: Allen Mayville
Mr. Mayville is responding to the advertised need for members on the Planning Board.
Mr. Mayville has attended a few PB meetings out of interest.  Selectman Jordan stated that Mr. Mayville is still active as a member of the Town Organization Committee that actively sponsors the Suncook Valley Regional Town Association quarterly meetings.
Mr. Mayville is familiar with some of the zoning ordinance and stated his opinion was that the town doesn't need a lot of rules but they must apply equally for everyone, he like to work up his own views of the matter and stated he has a good sense of right and wrong.

Selectman DeBold stated that whether a member agrees of disagrees with the zoning, they have to apply it and follow the zoning as written, if it is on the books, the members have to abide by it.  Selectman DeBold was not comfortable with Mr. Mayville's statement.  
Mr. Mayville contended that if he did not like some rule, he was entitled to his opinion and stated that his views may be contrary to others but questioned why that was a bad thing.

Selectman DeBold answered that it was not but Mr. Mayville's opening statement led him to believe that if Mr. Mayville didn't like some rule, Mr. Mayville then wouldn't apply it to the applicant. Selectman DeBold continued that all circumstances aren't equal but have to apply the rule equally to all.

Selectman Jordan shared the opinion that there were too many rules and stated that he would like to see a man like Mr. Mayville on the Planning Board.

Public comment trickled throughout the question and answer period with Mr. Mayville and at this time Chairman MacCleery stopped public comment.  The interview was between the Selectmen and Mr. Mayville without public involvement.
Selectman Jordan moved to appointment Allen Mayville, Jr. as an alternate member of the Planning Board for a three year term.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion.  Selectman DeBold was not in favor, motion carried by a 2 - 1 vote.


Chairman MacCleery moved to appoint Michelle Plunkett as an alternate member of the Heritage Commission for a one year term.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

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BOS minutes
June 16, 2009

Chairman MacCleery opened the lone bid received for replacement of the oil tank at the Community Building.  The bid from Rymes Oil & Propane is in the amount of $2,390.00.  The Board did not anticipate a cost this high.  Comparisons are needed.  Discussion was table until later this evening.

Subject: Fire Restitution Bills
Present: Warden Stock & Ranger Miner

Mr. Stock forwarded an outstanding bill for Teresa Brown.  This is now a matter for the Selectmen to pursue payment or place a lien upon the property.  At present the Presby bill is still outstanding as well.  

Mr. Stock informed the Board that as a result of the call forwarding charges on the Nextel bill, he is now carrying the town issued cell phone along with his personal cell phone.

Chairman MacCleery moved to enter into non-public session at 8:10pm, pursuant to NH RSA 91: A-3 II, a & c to discuss a matter involving personnel.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion.   The Chairman called the vote; DeBold - yes, Jordan - yes, MacCleery - yes, all were in favor, motion carried.  

Chairman MacCleery moved to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of five years.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, the chairman called for the vote. DeBold - yes, Jordan - yes, MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to return to public session at 9:00pm.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, the chairman called the vote.  DeBold - yes, Jordan - yes, MacCleery - yes. Motion carried.

The Board directed Lisa to send communication on behalf of the Board to Giuda & Houle regarding disposition of the outstanding bills.


The Board discussed drafting a letter or proclamation to the Meehan family recognizing the exceptional amount of time given to serve the town by Doctor Meehan.  Lisa was directed to draft a letter for the Board's review.  The Board also discussed how best to disperse a portion of or the entire annual five hundred dollar stipend for Health Officer duties. No decision was reached this evening.

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BOS minutes
June 16, 2009

Selectman Jordan reported that he and Selectman DeBold, through advice of town counsel, reached an amicable agreement during today's mediation with resident Levitina on Horse Corner Road that protects the interest of the town and affords Ms. Levitina some leeway at the same time.

Chairman MacCleery moved to enter into non-public session at 9:12pm, pursuant to NH RSA 91: A-3 II, e, to consider pending claims or litigation.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, the chairman called the vote.  DeBold - yes, Jordan - yes, MacCleery - yes. Motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of five years.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, the chairman called the vote.  DeBold - yes, Jordan - yes, MacCleery - yes.  Motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to close the non-public session at 9:25pm.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion, the chairman called the vote.  DeBold - yes, Jordan - yes, MacCleery - yes. Motion carried.

Lisa was directed to draft a letter to Mr. Luksza for the Board's review next week.

Discussion continued on the bid cost for replacement of the oil tank at the Community Building.  Selectman Jordan moved to reject the bid from Rymes Oil & Propane due to the Board not having enough information as to comparison of cost to render a decision.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried. Lisa was directed to solicit pricing from additional vendors.  Barbara Frangione forwarded a possible contact from Richard Millette.  Lisa will follow up.

The Board directed Lisa to send a letter to resident Teresa Brown informing her that the town would take action to place a lien on her property unless she made payment on her outstanding fire bill.  

Warden Stock inquired of the Board their decision with the outstanding fire bills; Presby, Houle & Giuda.

The Board agreed that the bills stand as written.  Going forward, the Board wishes to develop policy and establish a threshold for charges rendered.  Until a policy is in place, the Board directed Warden Stock to continue as he has been; the Warden will continue to write the letters until a policy to change that process is adopted.

The minutes of June 9, 2009, were approved with one correction; pages 4, fourth paragraph, change ëJaan Luikmil' to Luke Stevens.

The remaining mail and correspondence were reviewed.

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BOS minutes
June 16, 2009

Accounts payable and payroll were signed, the manifest totaled $48,868.44

Further review of the Fraud and Credit Card policies were tabled for this evening.

There was nothing to report on the outstanding zoning matters on the Weathervane or Patten property.  There was nothing to report on the Main Street inquiry to Senator Barnes regarding converting back to a town road.  As yet, no easement language has been forwarded to the Board for the Myers - RV property.  

To date the town has not received written permission to enter the Locke property on King Road and remove or bury the animal remains.  No action will be taken by the town until written permission has been secured.   

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 9:45pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                    6/23/09

_________________________    ____________________ ______________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan           Richard DeBold